DML Cleaning Laundry Services believes in helping people get back on their feet.
DML Cleaning
Whether it is acquiring that right attire for a job interview or having a proper coat to get through the winter, our business of caring for clothes puts us in a very unique way to help.
Semi-annually, we will ask you our customers to participate in our Wardrobe Drive. We will collect your gently used clothing and shoes, launder them for free then distribute them to individuals, shelters or charities that help people get back on their feet.
This Fall Wardrobe Drive will be held August 21 to September 15, 2023. Our Spring Wardrobe Drive will be held April 22-30, 2024.
Please join us in helping those in need.
Thank you for Caring !
DML Cleaning
DML Cleaning

DML Cleaning
DML Cleaning